четверг, 17 февраля 2011 г.

iFive: Canada Hacked, Obama Meets Jobs and Schmidt, Apple Controls Touchscreen Supply, Google Music, North Korea's Digital News

Did you seeJeopardy!? No? Unlucky you--you missed a moment that may be pivotal in computer history: IBM's Watson trounced his two human competitors on the finale of the Quiz show, winning $77,000. Watson-like tech isgoing to be partof your future, folks. On with the news:

1. Canada's governmenthas been hacked, with the attack traced back to computers in China. The Finance Department and Treasury board were big targets, along with PCs of"key"government officials--forcing the Canadians to disconnect key resources from the Net to prevent data being sent back to the hackers. According to the Canadian Broadcasting Association the government is refusing to reveal the extent of the damage.

2. Steve Jobs, Eric Schmidt and Mark Zuckerberg willmeet with President Obamatonight in San Francisco, along with other business leaders including GE's CEO Jeffrey Immelt. The intention is to discuss the"shared goal of promoting American innovation,"according to the White House, along with discussing Obama's"commitment to new investments in research development, education and clean energy."

3. Apple'ssnagged about 60%of the world's supply of touchpanel displays according to component makers, squeezing its competitors hopes of producing tablets and smartphones in large numbers--particularly where those firms aren't first-rate names. Supply shortages in touchscreens were behind delays for a global roll-out of the iPad in 2010, but Apple's seized enough supply to avoid this in 2011.

4. Motorola's CEO Sanjay Jhamay have slipped plansfor Google's Music service, a competitor to iTunes, when speaking about his company's upcoming Xoom tablet. Jha corrected himself, but indicated video and"music services"areavailable in Android. This adds a new spin to long-standing rumors about Google's music plans, and suggests it could use Android tablets as a lever into the digital music industry--something it's not managed yet 

5. The digital newspaper revolution has a surprising new member: North Korea's ruling party daily paper Rodun Sinmun has launched an online version atwww.rodong.rep.kp. It's the next step in a very new experiment at embracing online tech, including recent Twitter and YouTube accounts for the North's government. What's it publishing? Typical"news,"referencing party events and propaganda.

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