пятница, 18 февраля 2011 г.

Global Warming-Resistant Biofuel: Agave

The same delightful plant that fuels regrettable spring break decisions could also be a major source of energy in the 21st century.New researchreveals that the agave plant has comparably higher energy yields than corn and, even more intriguing, becomes more productive as climate change increases CO2 levels."Agave is not only an exciting new bioenergy crop, but its economically and environmentally sustainable production could prove to successfully stimulate economies in Africa, Australia, and Mexico, if political and legislative challenges are overcome,”reportsScienceDaily.

Moreover, unlikethe price increasesof corn due to ethanol use, margarita addicts may not need to fear a spike in tequila prices, as the biofuel could be harvested in parallel with agave’s food products. “Abandoned Agave plantations in Mexico and Africa that previously supported the natural fiber market could be reclaimed as bioenergy cropland,” thereport continues.

This is especially exciting given the instability in climate caused by global warming."Rainfall will probably be more variable in the future. This is not problem formost agaves,"writeslead author, E. Garcia-Moya, Professor of Botany at the Colegio de Postgraduados en Ciencias Agricolas in Texcoco, Mexico.

So, in the near future, agave could entertain your guests, sweeten your iced tea, and power the designated driver to take eco-friendly partiers back home.

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{Image bybrewbooks}



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