вторник, 28 декабря 2010 г.

Warning: DNA Discoveries by Mars, Hershey Could Lead to Advanced Chocoholism

assorted chocolates

A team of French-led scientists hasunlocked the genetic code of chocolate. The scientists, steered by research agency Centre de coopération internationale enrecherche agronomique pour le développement (CIRAD),just unveiled the DNAof the high-end Criollo variety ofTheobroma cacao.Theobromacacaois used primarily tomanufacture gourmet chocolates. This marks the first time that agenome study of the cacao tree has been published in an academicjournal.

CIRADis a research agency designed to help developing countries developtheir agricultural industries, in a form of French scientificdiplomacy. They partnered in this project with scientists in 18different countries, the United States Department of Agriculture, theUniversity of Reading in Britain, and theBiscuitCake Chocolate& Confectionery Association. The latter is aBritish trade group representing sweets manufacturers in both Londonand the European Union. No word whether they're hiring.

Accordingto apressreleasefor theTheobromastudy, unspecified“support” was granted through chocolatemanufacturers Hershey Corp. and Valrhona along with the VenezuelanMinistry of Science, Technology and Industry, among others.

TheDNAof the cacao treewas just published in the scientific journalNature Genetics.Parsing through the scientific jargon, the study abstract indicateseconomic benefits to the study:

Wesequenced and assembled the draft genome of Theobroma cacao, aneconomically important tropical-fruit tree crop that is the source ofchocolate. This assembly corresponds to 76% of the estimated genomesize and contains almost all previously described genes, with 82% ofthese genes anchored on the 10 T. cacao chromosomes. Analysis of thissequence information highlighted specific expansion of some genefamilies during evolution, for example, flavonoid-related genes. Italso provides a major source of candidate genes for T. cacaoimprovement.

WhileTheobroma is often used to manufacture gourmet chocolates, thatparticular variety of cacao tree often remains vulnerable to disease.Information gleaned from this study could be used to breedbioresistant varieties of Theobroma.

2010was a bumper year for deciphering the genome sequence of cacao. Arival cacao DNA studywasfunded by Hershey's archenemies over at Mars. This study, the CacaoGenome Database, focuses on the more commercially mainstream cacaovariety of and has not been published in an academic journal as ofpress time.

Accordingto research team member Siela Maximova of Penn State, the Theobromastudy could have big benefits for chocolate lovers:

Ouranalysis of the Criollo genome has uncovered the genetic basis ofpathways leading to the most important quality traits ofchocolate--oil, flavonoid and terpene biosynthesis {…} It has alsoled to the discovery of hundreds of genes potentially involved inpathogen resistance, all of which can be used to accelerate thedevelopment of elite varieties of cacao in the future.”

Othergenes found in the project were responsible for the creation of cocoabutter, the production of flavonoids, natural antioxidants, hormones,pigments, and aromas.

Themost likely initial ramification from this study will be the creationof bioengineered disease-resistant fine cocoa. While this will be aboon for consumers, the resulting commodity price changes might notbe as good for cacao wholesalers and speculators.

{Photo via Wikipedia userAndreKarwath}

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